Sequential LED
Tail-Lighting Systems

SWEEPLITE ® is a registered trademark of Syntilla Systems Inc. All website images, video and content is copyright Syntilla Systems Inc. ©  2011-2013 all rights are reserved.

Sweeplite is Patented Technology. Sweeplite Modules are made in the USA using domestic and internationally sourced components.

Vehicle Names and Models are the trademarks of their respective manufacturers and are for reference only.

sweeplite sequential LED tail lights turn signals taillights blinkers

Amber Turn-Signal Housing? Here is a possible solution;

Many Vehicles with Amber Turn-Signal sections generally have larger or multiple RED sections for the Brake/Running lights that have a better shape for Sequencing-Technology. This is a great opportunity to combine the Turn-Signal and Brake functions in the larger red section/s. You will loose the amber lamp but gain sequencing LED taillights in one and possibly (depending on Model) multiple lamps. Many Sweeplite kits come with a converter that combines these functions into one or multiple lamps. This combined function is common and standard on many vehicles that do not use Amber lamps. Your lamp hosing looks the same but operates differently and the amber section will no longer illuminate (the Lamp is removed). Note that in some cases, depending on the shape and lens on the amber section, a RED sweeplite can be installed to operate in a combined fashion to create an even more dramatic sweep effect. Be clever and Customize, contact us if you need help.



Installing Load Modules;

Installing Load Modules requires a minimum of installation skill. The Scotch brand moisture resistant splices install using pliers.

Installing Load and Convert Modules;

Installing Load and Convert modules requires a minimum of installation skill. These kits require making some cuts in the lamp harness along with adding moisture resistant splices. the objective of installing the converter allows the separate Brake and Blink functions to be combined into both previously separate lamps providing a more dramatic sequencing effect. Pliers and cutters are required.

Installing Lamp Modules;

Sweeplite modules are as easy to install as replacing a light bulb. Simply push the wedge based module into the socket, to remove just pull straight out. DO NOT twist.
